On Clumsier

I ease myself into the cold plunge


The bright red sign reads 16°C

Real, tested ice bathers might scoff

But since I’ve just come from the sauna and a quick rinse, this is shocking. But so, so good for a body tired from Footie.

I’m slowing down.


Day-to-day, I don’t notice it too much

But on the pitch

Man, it’s kind of a drag.

A good friend and fellow footie folk captured so perfectly that feeling of age

Ah, that’s a nice ball

20 years ago me could’ve got there

He said.

Age creeps up on us

My legs don’t move like they once did, lungs don’t take air

I trip over my feet more often than I used to.

It’s unnerving.

The essay Wear Sunscreen, famously misattributed to Kurt Vonnegut but written by columnist Mary Schmich, tells us to be kind to your knees

You’ll miss them when they’re gone

And my knees feel pretty good to be honest

It’s the rest of my legs that are slowing down.

I’m not the best at wearing sunscreen

But I do dance, travel, and hang onto friendships

The ones from long ago that I know I’ll take to my grave.

Again, I remind myself that I am entitled to nothing.

Except, perhaps

a hot sauna and a cold plunge.

Published by Radutti

Teaching in Ha Noi, screwing things up daily but surviving to write about it. ...everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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  1. If it weren’t for the chronic pain and sagging everything, growing old wouldn’t be so bad. I’ve never been athletic, but I do know what it feels like to have aching legs. So grateful my knees haven’t joined the pain gang. One day you’ll have to give up soccer, but keep the cold plunges.

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