Not today

I’m starting to feel the lactic acid build up. The wind, previously a boon, is now in my way.

We’re some 27 km into our ride as we crest the border of the town. A subtle shift, mostly green to now mostly shops. A row of stores, all metal, corrugation,


When Vietnam locks down, they do it with fidelity.

Let’s try the back way

Resolute, we press our luck, thankful that this particular back way is paved. Smooth tires confront cracks in pavement, the gentle and constant bumps lulling me

I doze

A meditation, just me and the bike, the metronomic legs keeping beat

when I hear the shout


Not dog. It’s my buddy, attempting to scare the dog at his wheel

I am shaken awake

A local stray has made his bicycle a target; territorial, snarly

You are not welcome here

He seems to say

There’s a moment of concern of ankle bites and sharp jaws, but the confrontation ends as we continue forth. Fido trails off, satisfied this pursuit is beneath him.

Luckily, it’s not dogs who run these streets.

We round the next bend, narrowly avoiding an oncoming motorbike, a frenzy of beeps informing

I’m coming through

Only to discover a temple, open, inviting all, peace and no fury in contrast to pup.

Adjacent a tiny market, a gaggle of old ladies, smiling and laughing. Fresh veggies neatly arrayed in small plastic bowls.

Since we’re outside the city, we’re a novelty. They see us and smile, and wonder

What in the world are you doing here?

We wave a hearty hello and meander past, and they reply with shouts

Come shop at our market!

I’m pretty sure they say.

Not today

We reply, with a smile and wave

And, looking ahead, we pick up the pace.

Published by Radutti

Teaching in Ha Noi, screwing things up daily but surviving to write about it. ...everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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  1. Such a vivid piece of writing; I felt I was with you there with the shuttered stores, the dog, the women. There’s a lovely rhythm in your writing. Favorite line: “Only to discover a temple, open, inviting all, peace an no fury…”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your short lines carry us along your ride.
    I especially love the contrast between the dog nipping at your ankles and the peaceful, welcoming temple. Also, the little old market ladies curious friendliness!

    Liked by 1 person

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