
Reflecting today on a piece I drafted a year ago, written with hopes that Distance Learning would be a short-term deal. And what might be, today and tomorrow. A flash.

Third floor

J in the middle of a Zoom with one of her EAL students. She smiles and solicits a response to a prompt, the child smiles back

First floor

Rhino and Elephant in the middle of Hangouts and Zooms with classmates

Second floor

I’m in the middle

And on the edge

And so, so, so


Published by Radutti

Teaching in Ha Noi, screwing things up daily but surviving to write about it. ...everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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  1. I’ve been thinking on that, how we thought it would be for, oh, a weeks or so… one year later, blinking blurry eyes, still disoriented in some ways, not believing we’ve come this far. The spareness of your lines conveys this so well. We’ve lived “on the edge” for so long.


  2. Not a memory to hold onto. Your slice captures the strangeness and tiredness. I have hard time accepting that I have to go through this for a second time. At least this time I am smarter (I hope) and will take better care of my well-being.


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