
Elephant is big on limes.

Maybe it’s an elephant thing.

Are elephants known for a love of limes?

I make a mental note to find out.

We have a couple different pho joints that we haunt, and he’s always about the limes.

The soup, though.

Quick, easy, healthy, inexpensive.

Like, ridiculously inexpensive.

It checks all my culinary boxes.

I message a fellow noodlist back home with the deets

Today we’re at an expensive place

I run the numbers

The two of us are eating for $3.40

To get what’s arguably a perfect meal

The steamy, seasoned just so broth, accented perfectly with a mix of greens, gentle shards of meat, a touch of chili sauce and pickled garlic. A couple spicy chili peppers for that added zing

And for the final zest

A squeeze of lime

Or three

Or six.

Elephant loves limes.

As we sit down today though, there isn’t the usual fully stocked ceramic jar filed to the rim with sliced greenies. Today, at this table, slices only two.

Papa, ready to squeeze!

He grabs his allotted slice, but for whatever reason this one is slick

This is an uncooperative lime

Bit too much zest in the nest



I look up and his lime has made a perfect landing straight into the steaming broth

It floats, indifferent.

And he now has a mission.

He fishes around with his chopsticks in an attempt to salvage

You gotta be careful

I say, matter of fact

He really needs to exercise greater lime care

I muse.

He’ll get better at it as he grows. More like me.

As I begin to squeeze my lime and peer at his bowl and earnest rescue maneuvers

My fingers slide together, lightning quick, unintentionally.

And my hint of lime makes a perfect arc

Through the sky

More like me

And lands squarely between the flip flops of the gentleman waiting in line.


He looks me in the eye, grasping this unexpected and limeless moment, bright eyed and fully awake.

And we giggle together at this sudden turn of events.

Published by Radutti

Teaching in Ha Noi, screwing things up daily but surviving to write about it. ...everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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  1. That’s definitely a giggle-able moment!

    You totally have me craving pho now. We have a great Vietnamese restaurant in our city that we order in from one Saturday night a month. My son loves their food and asks to order in from there every Saturday night!

    (BTW: I like my pho with a bit of jalapeno and lime.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, spice it up! At one point back home I felt like I might have been getting tired of it but there are so many great options just around the corner (and each with slightly different take) I’ve been revitalized. That the boys love it is only a bonus.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sweet papa and Elephant moment. I wonder if from now on you will just have to say the word “lime” to the other to make you both burst out laughing?! And as always, your style that I so admire, paces the story perfectly down the page with dialogue and commentary both

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My mouth is watering! My friend and I are on the prowl for a good pho place in our Midwestern town. I finally asked a Vietnamese-American in our area and she said, “Detroit!” which is over 2 hours away.

    This retelling is fabulous because it captures the emotion in the 5 senses.


  4. Yes, for sure! I hope you can track a good place down. It’s an embarrassment of riches for me at the moment and I can envision a moment in the next few years where there isn’t amazing pho around the corner – so trying to make the most of it! 🙂


  5. I love your question of whether elephants are known for their love of limes. And the mouth-watering description of the soup. And the slow-motion of your lime arcing through the air and landing between the customer’s flip-flops. ….and, really, the whole slice. What a treat to read–almost as good as a bowl of pho!

    Liked by 1 person

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