Good News and Bad


I have good news and bad news

Which do you want first?

The kids are deeply ensconced in their freshly-borrowed books, I’m hesitant to jump in and interrupt. But we don’t have a choice.

They peek their heads up at me and a few of them immediately respond

The bad news

Well, the bad news is we have indoor recess, yet again.

<scattered smatterings of ‘awwwwww man’>

What’s the good news?

The good news is we get to spend more time together!

Chuckles, (a lot of) groans, and what I truly believe is genuine acceptance and flexibility. I love this group.

I re-read the email.

Dear teachers,

The AQI is now 230 so please keep your students in the classroom during lunch time.

You can find the modified schedule for the lunch time as below:

When I lived in Seattle we would often face ‘rainy day recess’. Those days tended to throw both kids and adults for a loop. Variations in barometric pressure affected the atmosphere, in more ways than one.

We stuck with it but it was always a challenge to keep our emotions in check, particularly when structure, ritual, and routine are thrown for a loop.

And, in these parts as the country has opened up from the quiet (and generally clearer) days of COVID, the air has become increasingly worse.

There are still far more good days than bad, but it seems thicker than before.

And so, we chat a bit about making the most of it, living within our circle of control, and being grateful for those days when we do have a choice.

Mr. D

Now you have something to write about!

Published by Radutti

Teaching in Ha Noi, screwing things up daily but surviving to write about it. ...everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

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  1. I’d say there’s not much control we can have over rain days and snow days, although climate change makes me question that idea, but AQI that precludes students from going outside is further evidence of how little those in power care about children. Of course teachers and students are flexible and find positive in the negative, but in this era of corporate greed, that AQI merits righteous indignation.


  2. My 8th graders somehow always convince me to take them out, despite the freezing temperatures or driving snow. I can’t imagine having to explain AQI to them!


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